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the blog

bonetheblogger.blogspot.com because if you choose silence, people take advantage of you. because if you dont speak, they will tell lies. because if you dont care and simply live life, they make up stories. because if you are loved, others will bring you down. sometimes, you need a place you can call your own. where all you see and hear is the truth. a place where you see colors instead of just black&white. a happy place. home.

the blogger

careful. i bite.
8-ish 20 something.
i smile when i want to scream. sing when i want to cry. cry when i am happy. and laugh when i am nervous. a woman is what i am.. i have vital things to say and everything to give. more

speak up!

click 'em

joel sison
ms. zafra



think about this

"There are somethings that are nothing more than what they are. They're not meant to last. They just take their place in your heart and make you a little smarter the next time." -Alex and Emma

use that mouse

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busy burger

the waitress

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Friday, July 31, 2009

america teaches me to do things i have to do. i can be stubborn most of the time but in some cases, i have to give in. america does not necessarily corrupt. oftentimes, it simply forces one to thrive.

in america, i find both love and grief. along the way, i gain some new friends and lose loved ones as well. some bonds grow stronger each day while there are also relationships that fail. there is definitely happiness. but joy always comes with heartaches.

america has the power change. it has changed me. for better or worse? i don't know. but i will not be sorry for what i am. because, as the saying goes, it is better to be hated for who/what we are than be loved for someone that we are not.

i dont expect everyone to understand me more so to defend me. in america, i have learned that even family cannot be with me at all times. but it's okay. because america has taught me that america is not all about the good life. and most of all, it has taught me that if everyone else leaves, i can rely on myself (and God).

Bone painted the world at 4:37 PM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

gran torino is out on dvd and red box. its a good movie. sad but good. it doesnt have the traditional happy ending as walt (clint eastwood) dies in the end. actually, it starts and ends with death.. and with rape, stealing and violence sandwiched in between deaths.

when i watch good movies like this, i tend to reflect on it and myself. and i realize i have yet to reach my utmost potential. i dont have a lot of money in the bank, still havent paid off my car, still not the best in my field, no house to call my own, single with no kids.. and still not an author of my own book.

BUT if i die at this very moment, i am ready. there may be dreams still on the shelf but theres nothing to regret. lessons have been learned, risks have been taken, love lost, loved in return, rollercoasters ridden, storms surpassed. things that truly define life... oh, i have those.

Bone painted the world at 3:52 PM

Saturday, May 02, 2009

the effect of each of pacqiao's fight against any other big boxers is kind of the same among filipinos around the world. well.. kind of. when he has a big fight like the one tonight, filipinos gather and watch the bakbakan together. maybe even some throwing some bets here and there. or having barbeques and whatnot.

back home, filipinos watching the fight together means low crime rates. in the us, it means, filipino nurses calling off from work, not enough staff, no CNAs.

ya.. sucks to be away from home in times like these. im debating against myself who to root for. because im bitter like that because tonight, i have to go to work. may the best man win na lang.

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Bone painted the world at 6:05 PM

Sunday, April 12, 2009

cooking with..... ME???

haha since when did i learn such art??!

today's easter sunday and while the rest of the world is either in a church saying their prayers or somewhere else easter egg hunting before eating lunch with their loved ones/family/friends, i am alone at the apartment.

although i am still trying to figure out whether or not the solitary life suits me, i decided to make my "thinking time" a little useful in my tiny kitchen. so far, ive already nailed 5-6 filipino favorites excluding eggies, fried sausages and other breakfast instants. not bad for a brat like me, eh?

boyfriend and me have been arguing almost about everything hence the new nickname he christened me with: LITTLE SNAPPER. i like! suits the struggling chef in me. haha.

HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!! and remember, its about the resurrection of Jesus and not the painted eggs or jumping bunnies. (:

Bone painted the world at 11:30 AM

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

although i cant see myself in a workplace where i am just sitting waiting , i cannot see myself in a place where respect is nonexistent either.

its bull when patients are not appreciative of the things you do or when they or their families treat you like slaves. i dont get how some people are able to walk to the stations demanding to get their pain shots an hour before its due but push the call light button for their nurses to throw away their empty carton of milk on the trash can or to straighten their blankets.

its bull when people set their phone alarms every 3-4 hours just so they could get their shot of narcs round the clock when its supposed to be q 4 hours PRN. and when you say its not due yet, they present an argument stating that "Baby, pain is not about time." but its funny how the pain kicks in exactly every 3 hours if the doctor orders for pain shot q 3 hours PRN. and isnt it ironic when theyre able to run around the halls and say the pain level is 10/10. but pain is subjective so who are we to judge, right? bs.

its bull when a coworker has a title that supposed to mean she has more experience or that she knows more than you do and yet he or she bullies the rookies instead of mentoring them.

its bull when a rule applies to everyone but you, right?

its bull when youre supposed to be loving your job but everyone and everything just seem to contradict all the reasons youve found why you chose to be on this profession and vocation.

its bull when your job makes you feel youre not in the right place.

its bull when it no longer makes you happy.

it is bull more so if you do not have the option to walk away....

Bone painted the world at 7:39 AM

Monday, March 16, 2009


friendster is trying very hard to immitate facebook. ironically, facebook is also doing its best to copy friendster.

lets just all go back to plain blogging.

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Bone painted the world at 10:39 AM

Sunday, March 15, 2009

ive been waiting since last week coz Accuweather said weekend is gonna be abundant with sunshine. its pretty accurate except that its not able to tell when exactly im going to have my period. for some people, especially guys, its a taboo to openly talk about when youre on your "pin cushion that bleeds" days. but like i always say: im a deviant, meaning, i dont care. so anyways.. no beach for me this weekend. and then boyfriend said he's bringing me to vegas ( and i was damn excited about it). for some reason, Universal City walk is the new LV. tony roma is the oz buffet. ontario mills is the fashion mall. d&b is the tao. haha. but in all fairness, it was fun. and im thankful. maybe he is really serious about this fight against my so-called depression and bipolar disease. now, give me abilify, risperdal and seroquel.. now! while im still in my happy mood!

ps. go out. watch taken. its underrated but trust me, its a good movie. if youre a parent, let your teens watch this movie.

Bone painted the world at 7:40 PM
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