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joel sison think about this
"There are somethings that are nothing more than what they are. They're not meant to last. They just take their place in your heart and make you a little smarter the next time." -Alex and Emma use that mouse
have fun
thanks to..
(c) 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
regarding the philippine nurse licensure exam issue. i can no longer keep mum. dante ang said "honor is more important than money, job.." you know what, its so true that all i could do was nod in agreement. even if i am thankful for not taking the local board last june and chose to run away instead, i can no longer deny that somehow i am affected by this leakage controversy. it is the integrity of the new BSN grads that is at stake. whether there has been a leakage or not, i dare not comment. but what i am seeking for is for integrity and honor be restored, if (and only if) theres nothing left to be saved. so i say, yes. there should be a retake. and it should be for everybody. Bone painted the world at 1:40 PM |
Thursday, August 24, 2006
when you grow older, you start learning to view things from outside the box. they say girls mature faster than boys. i dont know. how can they tell? but i think what forced me to mature faster than my other colleagues is the fact that my mom is forever working abroad. as a kid, i didnt have a mother to help me go through obstacles that most girls experience. no one taught me how to dress up or put on make up, i did not know what to do when i had my first period -- hey, i didnt even know that it was it!, am not sure if there was even someone who taught me how to fix my hair.. if a wanted to go somewhere or wanted to spend some night out with girlfriends, i did not have someone to argue with. my father was too busy with work and out-of-town trips. it sucked so much coz every time we had intraschool dance competitions or whatnot, i only had my schoolmates for my audience. others had their mom or dad and even their sibs. in 3rd grade, i remember my dad handing some cash which i was supposed to budget for the entire household. funny coz i didnt even know what budget meant at that time. it was hard and fun at the same time. i had freedom at an early age. i didnt even have to rebel to have it. lucky bone, you might think. the good thing about that is that i have learned to decide on my own. somehow ive managed to push myself to go out of the box and observe. with that, i have learned to see whether something is good for me or not. i saw a lot of people grabbing whatever is within their reach. i used to envy them for winning a gorgeous boyfriend, for hooking up with the rich and famous. whatever. but when i think about it.. i went to good private schools, i have a college degree, ive travelled, my relationship with my father and bro is priceless, ive never had real curfew, i was never banned from drinking, smoking, or partying, my friends are the coolest, im close to most of my aunts and uncles, im friends with my cousins, i could work and i want to but my dad says no, i want to get married but i am not pregnant, i never needed to resort to abortion, i got good grades, i dont need to step on other people.. i could go on. life hasnt been easy all these years but its all compensated with all these blessings. and then if you look at life closely, you will see that all things are for the best. [go on, Voltaire, mock me with your Candide.] wait a second. i didnt realize all these just like that. i would be a hypocrite to tell you i never had heartaches going through life without a mom. its painful.. big time. at one point, we tried to recoup. tried living with my mom. and im telling you, it wasnt pretty. she just didnt know us anymore and she just seemed to be a stranger to us. yes, similar to what happened to claudine and vilma in Anak. and in all honesty, the wound is deep and it is still there. but right now, i am thrilled. coz i know the day that my family will be once and for all reunited is nearing. i cant wait to start having a life with them. my mom, my dad and kuyas. wow, it would be really great to have them side by side. man, i miss them to bits. my dad says he still sees me as his little girl most of the time but he also says that among his three devils, i mean children, i am most mature. he says my words often come with "bits and nuggets of wisdom." im just quoting the crazy old man. then my aunt says, i am responsible in most things. and that for my height, i do more than what i can. see why i love my family so much? they flood me with so many praises. lol. i just hope theyre telling the truth coz that would mean i am not at all a senseless person. this reminds me of my being Emily to everybody. i was my dad and bro's official Emily. i packed things for them, did groceries, heck even shopping for my amiga (brother's best girl friend), daddy's staff and all, did computer jobs for them, cooked sometimes, did cleaning.. name it. after all, i am the only girl. but i lurve it. but at the moment, its all different. i am still an Emily but not anymore to my boys. my queer kuya is jealous for me having this role. but he doesnt know its not at all easy. come on, if someone forgot her keys or cellphone somewhere -- i get the blame. if someone asks me to do this, one will reprimand me for doing just that. and if i dont do what ive been asked to do, same thing happens. someone will have to snap on me. dont get me wrong. im not complaining. i actually like it. i think its fun. but for the first time in my life this happenned: i went to the rest room to respond to the call of nature but before my ass could even touch the toilet bowl, someone was smashing the door as if someone needed to be brought to the emergency department. so i pulled up my pants and opened the door. and then the person said "have you seen my sharpener?" that is also why i am posting a long entry now. i can hardly face a computer without being watched. lol. Bone painted the world at 1:27 PM |
Thursday, August 17, 2006
this morning, i received an envelope. opened it. then i saw a california id with my pic on it. yes, yes. finally. am friggin happy. so happy i wanted a happy template. bottom line is: this site is under construction. =) ps. kai, i caught shai online, she's helping me with a colorful layout.. would you still help me with the rest? thanks to the both of you.. big time. Bone painted the world at 6:43 PM |
Sunday, August 13, 2006
[edit] homesickness triggered by watching sugarfree's burnout through youtube. so its UAAp again. tsk. no biggie. one whole day of Blogskin searching & bloghopping, and found nothing. barely ate today and yesterday. but im still alive. i miss the streets of Filipinas.. weird but i actually miss the traffic, and having to survive from all the kabastusan and kayabangan sa daan. there, even if i dont get enough sleep, ive never felt sleepy when driving. and the congestion gives me time to talk to myself, ponder on things, and dream. last weekend, my cousin and i had this heated argument. coz he thinks i wont be able to handle US driving. like hello?! he was like, "eh sa freeway?" everyone's been like that to me. telling me same lagot-ka-pag-nag-freeway-ka-na-comments. ya right! i wanna see them thrive among jeepney, bus and truck drivers in manila. or manila drivers in general. speedlimit in freeway is 75mph. and drivers here are relatively goody goodies. my cousin wont even believe we could drive faster than that. he thinks PIlipinas doesnt even have a road that could accomodate more than 75mph driving.. erm.. how about katipunan, eastwood, north/south express ways when its not rush hour? i just hate it when people underestimate me. much more if they insult our dear Pilipinas. geez. just because they get their license fair and square here, that doesnt give them the authority to bullsh*t us. i forgot the exact words, but he even made a comment that basically says its NOT possible for Filipinos to drive at least 75mph coz we cant even afford petroleum products. makes sense. it actually hit me. i mean, why drive and consume gas more than one could afford.. but hey, ever heard the word tact? geez. driving in the streets of manila is like a rollercoaster ride. driving in california is just like sitting in a couch watching the telly. and im not giving anyone the permission to disprove what im saying here. darn it. i miss real driving. real action. the kind of driving that empowers me. although its amazing and impressive to see the road and streets owned by the pedestrians, i miss the congested streets where wheels reign. i miss home. but you know, one thing ive learned is you dont plan your homecoming. youll feel it when its time to go home. and sadly, now is not my time. give me another month. or two.. or.. hmm. i am somehow trapped in the middle. pilipinas doesnt anymore seem so home as much as it did. and california is definitely not my home.. not yet. the other night, i felt like flying to canada. suddenly, i can feel it calling my name. im terribly missing home, but the question is: where is my home? [/edit] parinig kay kai, shai.. o kung sino man diyan: its been a long time since i last revamped my site. and i am so hungry for a new layout but im a lil lazy to do it myself. can anyone help me please? =) Bone painted the world at 10:53 AM |
Sunday, August 06, 2006
amaze. conjure. magic. escape. illusion. these are the words associated practically to every magician, illusionists, or however you would like to call them. but david blaine doesnt stop there. thats why ive always preferred him over any other magicians. for me, he's totally different from the others. his style is more than just tricks and illusions. a style that does not stop in merely entertaining other people. his is like a passion to test the limits of what humans can endure. his musings also impart that david blaine is NOT just a daredevil with stupid-but-still-amusing attempts to stay alive in the absence of man's basic needs. i think he's a person with so much depth.. one helluva guy who is eternally grateful to his mother, who raised him on her own. last saturday though, i realized its not fair to not appreciate the other magicians who also work hard in the name of their passion. i received an early birthday present, which was a free ticket to a magic show. david copperfield.. man! david copperfield. only a few feet away. haha. but honestly, its not his disappearing tricks that amazed me, not even his prediction thingy, but his looks, appeal, sense of humor -- now i could agree that he's hot and uber hilarious -- and most of all, his Project Magic. its a magic school for people with various physical, psycho-social, and developmental disabilities. he, just like blaine, uses magic NOT just to entertain people.. copperfield uses magic as a tool to help special people.. magic to instill confidence to people whom you might not consider normal. from now on, i am a fan of more than one david! ![]() i was such in a good mood, i came up with the best ever mary kate olsen impersonation! Bone painted the world at 11:10 PM | |
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