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joel sison think about this
"There are somethings that are nothing more than what they are. They're not meant to last. They just take their place in your heart and make you a little smarter the next time." -Alex and Emma use that mouse
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thanks to..
(c) 2006
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
havent been visiting the dotcom world these past few days. oh, of course, you already know my excuse. i WAS busy, yes. but not really with studies.. im glad some of the bloggers are recovering from loneliness. i was already wondering why almost everyone are not in the right mood lately. russ even suggested before that it could be because of the alignment of the stars.. could be.. so i hope the stars are already re-positioning.. coz its better if everyone is smiling. go on, smile now. as for me, i know god has always been good to all of us.. but this week, i think heS been extra nice to me. why? lets put it this way: i cant remember anything that went wrong this week. it could be that NOTHING really went wrong or that something went wrong but i just shook my head and then forgot about it. *** duds, star, moski et. al.: since you didnt receive the invites i sent you (i still cant figure why), here's an easier way to subscribe to our yahoo group. click here Bone painted the world at 10:14 PM |
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
haha. i havent updated and visited other people's blogs for several days.. im too lazy to turn on the computer and go online these days.. but nothingS wrong though. in fact, im quite back to my chirpy mode. im not really that busy pero pagod madalas.. anyhoo.. this entry must be dedicated to friends. because they're the best (next to family, of course.) first things first. im so glad bro is cool again. hehe. but of course, ive got to give the credit to Jaar who provided me with some cool games for my PDA.. yup, its through the games that my bro and i became okay. hehe. i know, i know. parang mga bata. **Mister, you still owe me for passing the "flowsheet burden" to me which has been the reason i slept way past my bedtime last night** last friday, i met up with an old friend slash ex in Tapika. i got bored though so i headed to eastwood for the guitar fest and met up with other friends: Beng, Bob, Marlene, Rr. i was hesitant at first coz they were in pairs.. Duds and Jaar promised they'll follow.. they didnt do so though. even so, i still had fun. really. it was my first time to drink a non-San Mig beer then... also my first time to drink without the sizzling sisig. i had sizzling tofu as substitute! coolness. MYMP was there. golly, everywhere i go, thereS Juris and Chin singing. why is that? i like them but i want my orange and lemons sana. they remind me of the beatles! thursday and sunday were greenhills days. haha. funny how shopping sometimes become so synonymous with bliss. saturday was partly spent in quiapo =) with Moski, Duds and Marlene. smallville season 4. finally! bitin nga lang. **haha, Poks, i know, bad ang piracy. but heck, its cheaper than the real thing..** quiapo is fun pala. hihi. and oh, found a 15-album collection of beatles (which i bought).. imagine, quiapo people selling beatles music?? i soo cant afford to buy the Php5k-collection so i have to settle with mp3 rip off for now. hayy.. nothing much really. but my everyday companions make me sane and happy. so, im thankful. oh, im running out of jokes... do you have one? let us 'hear' it.. Bone painted the world at 2:53 PM |
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
today is not a bad day.. i suppose. i ate, talked, smiled, and even laughed with friends.. i also had a good sleep! isn't it great? think its a sign that things are gonna get better soon! so later, as i go to sleep, i will take a moment to thank the lord for this day. because today may not be the best day of my life.. but its not a bad day either. thank you lord! =) Bone painted the world at 10:29 PM |
Monday, July 11, 2005
sheesh!! TOP SECRET. (seriously) hayy.. nothing seems to be right at the moment.. philippine politics sucks! then theres the bombing thingy in london (to which ive been totally clueless until yesterday). my to-do list is endless. the recent pimple breakout has caused too many scars. and ive been hating everyone at home these days. im not sure if i can blame my menstrual hormones but really, everyone/thing seems to annoy me. everything seems to be so heavy already that i want to put everything here.. so sorry if this post sends off some bad vibes. really. i apologize. first. i love my father sooo much and the whole world knows that but i hate the fact that he doesnt want to quit drinking. he has a history of stroke and he's on meds, which means alcoholic beverages are so no no. which part of that doesnt he understand? goodness. worrying about your father's health 24/7 is not cool. really. im always not sure whether he'll make it through the day (everyday!). and his latest lab exams shows elevated cholesterol, uric acid and all that.. and the doctor prescribed three additional meds for his maintanance. two of them for anginal attacks (for the heart) and one for urinary tract infection. still, he's not convinced that the beer has something to do with his unstable health status. **my god, dad, you know you're smarter than that!** and it hurts me so much that thinking that he doesnt even worry about his children in case something bad happens to him. it just makes me cry. second. my mom. she's not here. and thats basically it. she's been gone almost my entire life. so you can just imagine how hard everything was/is for me. oh and can i just add that i so need a mom especially during my adolescent stage considering that im the only girl and the youngest in our family. now, she doesnt seem to comprehend that life here in the philippines is terribly difficult. i hate the way she cant manage her finances. third. my brother #2. he hasnt been talking to me and my dad since thursday. and the hell! i hate that he just doesnt have the will to drive and lets me do everything like i dont have school and all that. honestly, nursing is not as easy as it seems. aside from the mental challenge, its so physically draining. if you know what i mean. **you know, id love to do EVERYTHING for all of you guys but you know, sometimes, i just dont have the energy. sometimes, i get tired too you know. and sometimes i wanna do my own thing also but i cant because i have you guys to think about. its not that i dont want to think about my family coz i honestly love doing things for everyone. my only point is sometimes i need help too, you know. help. its not because i dont want to give anymore but because i have nothing to give anymore. it really hurts. but you know i love you all. and thats exactly why ive been exerting more than i can to give you everything.. to do eveything for all you guys. and ya, you have got to fix your temper, brother. (if you happen to read this, so sorry.. again, temper temper! i dont mean trouble you know.** fourth. my brother #3. although he's been totally understanding to me lately. i hate all his lies and the way he doesnt udnerstand our father most of the time. i hate the way he lacks patience. fifth. the maids. gawd, cant they learn everything we teach them? are we supposed to give the same instructions literally everyday? okay, thatS forgiveable. but i think its common sense that they are not supposed to throw away food, right? ugh. MOST OF ALL, im so fed up with all the lying and all the kupits they've been making. so not right. there there.. i hope i didnt use the word hate too much. god knows hate is not even the right term to use. but there. im so done. i know I AM NOT PERFECT but heck, im so hurt and crying inside. is it because im human too? ya, maybe! PLEASE DO NOT SPEAK ABOUT THIS AFTER READING. i want the people involved to read this themselves.. or maybe NOT. as i know it would only cause MORE TROUBLE and of course, thats the last thing i want to happen. its just that, i feel so suffocated already trying to keep everything inside. as ive said, it could be just my period causing all these emotions but heck, i am so hurt, damn it. and thats not cool. coz i want to be happy you know. i deserve to be happy. shit. i still have a homework to finish. and i still havent seen Chiz on the telly.. its prolly because ive been too busy to watch the television.. ack!!! haha. oh well, god bless my family.. and your families! =) i wish everyone's feeling exactly the opposite of what im feeling. wow, i cant believe im smiling already so.. SMILE EVERYONE. =) Bone painted the world at 11:14 PM |
Sunday, July 10, 2005
was tagged by russ and im glad she did coz i have no better things to post.. with regard to the turmoil that our country is currently experiencing, as much as possible, i dont want to comment.. coz im not a registered voter so i feel as if i dont have the right to complain. im just elated that i get to see my Chiz on the telly every now and then.. lol. i just wish that someday, soon i hope, the word "politician" will soon gain its noble definition.. i hope that one day, politicians will be public servants.. my three things (russo, this is soo hard coz uve disabled all clicks on your page, haha!) three things you go by. 1. bone 2. joi 3. kristine three screen names you have had. 1. bone 2. prettybone 3. bone^ (ya, i am that creative. haha) three physical things you like most about yourself. 1. eyelashes 2. shoulders 3. butt three physical things you dont like about yourself. 1. skin 2. belly 3. legs three parts of your heritage. 1. filipino 2. gawd, i dont know 3. what to put here three things that scare you. *if you mean tangible things, then.. 1. wild dogs 2. rats 3. mosquitoes three of your everyday essentials. 1. food 2. water 3. money three of your favorite musical artists. 1. beatles (goodness, ang mahal nun collection huh!) 2. mariah, the original butterfly lady 3. orange and lemons (for now..) three of your favorite songs. 1. all my loving 2. sa kanya 3. happy (by squarehead) three things you want in a relationship. 1. honesty 2. good communication with a touch of humor 3. making time three lies and truth in no particular order. lies. 1. truth sets you free (sometimes, it does not. look at our political scene.) 2. money cant buy you happiness (russ, i agree!) 3. love conquers all truths. 1. god is good to me =) cheesy, huh? 2. love is not blind, only it doesn't mind 3. the world is round three things about the opposite sex that appeal to you. 1. smile 2. eyes 3. nape three of your favorite hobbies. 1. not doing anything 2. not thinking about anything 3. watching movies three things you really want to do badly now. 1. write a book except that im so not a writer! 2. kiss my Chiz, haha 3. travel three careers you're considering/you've considered. 1. academe 2. health care profesional 3. public servant three places you want to go on vacation. 1. europe 2. japan 3. hawaii three kid names you like. *the first two are names of my first crushie hehe 1. tristan 2. nicole (a guy's name.. please!) 3. kristin three things you want to do before you die. 1. write a book 2. put up a day care center 3. meet the ONE three ways that you are stereotypically a boy. 1. i can eat anything and as much as a boy can 2. i hate waiting and rejection 3. i enjoy play the playstation three ways that you are stereotypically a girl. 1. im fickle minded 2. i can get really maarte 3. i talk too much three celeb crushes. 1. brad pitt 2. jude "hotness" law 3. Chiz Escudero.. he's all mine! russ, if youre in the Philippines, poticians are celebrities and vice versa.. now is my turn to tag. 1. michi 2. dea 3. shai Bone painted the world at 1:33 PM |
Monday, July 04, 2005
eek! im getting fat.. its actually okay since the fats are giving me some curves.. only some curves are not in the right place already! but then again, at least im not ugly. haha. lets all be happy, guys and girls. smile with me =) ![]() pS: if you have a joke or anything funny to share, type em in the comment box =) please.. even the corniest joke is welcome =) Q: anong country ang hindi tama? A: mali sya Bone painted the world at 3:29 PM |
Sunday, July 03, 2005
can someone please tell me if its natural for a guy to beg (yep, literally beg) for another chance only for the girl to find out that the guy already has a new flame?? pathetic huh?! can someone enlighten me how is this possible? guy asks for one last chance but you, fortunately, discover that he and the-girl-before-there-was-even-you-and-him are already a couple.. and oh, calls his new love the same term of endearment he used to refer to you.. *ack! im choking!* can someone explain to me why the guy does not even admit the truth when the fact has already been laid out for everyone to see? is there really a need for denial? is there a scientific inference to all of this?? id like to hear one. you know, i forced myself to cry but tears wont fall. i dont even sense any signs of anger within my system.. is it because ive already become NUMB.. just as what ive always wished for.... or just damn TIRED? have a great week everyone! EDIT I can't be with you again. Don't remind me of the good times that we had. I learned a lot from us instead. And I never want these feelings to ever come again. Please don't tell me that you've changed. Don't wanna hear on how you've lost your evil ways. The one whose changed this time is me. And I won't go back to feeling helpless and decieved. To think you had me fooled every now and then. You had me believin' that I was the reason that you left. But I won't fall back in love with you again. I don't even wanna be your friend. No, you'll never hear me crying. You'll never see me trying, to love you once again. Your love is so past tense.. ** thanks to respi. /EDIT Bone painted the world at 12:37 PM |
Friday, July 01, 2005
before loneliness hit me, ive been in my happiest state for several weeks. and people who noticed this automatically concluded that my love life is back from the dead. they instinctively felt kilig, had themselves convinced that i already have a new boyfriend.. i would have loved to say "yes, i have a new boyfriend. i am in love and that makes me oh so happy." but then, that would be a lie. i dont have a new boyfriend. i MAY be in love at the moment but thats not the sole reason of my then ecstasy. since when did happiness become synonymous to having a boyfriend? ugh, pity are those people who associate bliss with love life alone. lol. Bone painted the world at 5:11 PM | |
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