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joel sison think about this
"There are somethings that are nothing more than what they are. They're not meant to last. They just take their place in your heart and make you a little smarter the next time." -Alex and Emma use that mouse
have fun
thanks to..
(c) 2006
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Controversy has it that the yellow sponge character we see in Nick is GAY. While Plankton is busy planning his world domination, many is preoccupied searching for evidences that would confirm or deny that Mr. Squarepants is, in fact, a homosexual. In MTV, you may hear, "So what if Spongebob and Patrcik are gay? That means they're happy!" (Okay, that's a good argument.) The creators of Spongebob claim that they did not create the characters as pro-homosexuals.. (Umm.. like the children would really care.. or not?) In a late night show, John L. was asserting that the yellow guy is straight and that he can actually prove it! Afterwards, the host provided his audience with a clip of Mr. Squarepants shagging a woman. (This is where Spongebob becomes R-18.) Truth is, Spongebob aroused to merely entertain the kids. However, the adult population has been also hypnotized by the Nickelodeon show and started buying Spongebob goodies. Grown-ups have been addicted to the show and it has somehow incapacitated them from watching grown-up shows and from doing their so-called tasks. At first, it did not matter to them. But when they heard that Spongebob will be taking over the silverscreen as well, the adults got confused -- "Will I go to work or watch Spongebob, the movie instead?" That is when they realized something's wrong. So, the grown ups, the clever being they really are, invent a controversy to convince themselves to quit watching the show. Bone painted the world at 9:59 PM |
Saturday, March 26, 2005
for the first time, i miss having a best friend. when my best friend had her first boyfriend, everyone in our campus was asking me the same question: "hindi ka ba nagseselos na yung best friend mo may boyfriend na?" and my reply had been very constant. i'd smile and tell everyone that no, im not jealous or anything. in the first place, my best friend having a boyfriend did not mean losing her.. it meant i gained a new friend -- her boyfriend.. soo true. but ever since i moved out, me and my best friend seemed to grow apart.. sure, we could still call up each other whenever we have problems or something good happened to us or whatever.. but you see, we dont really hang out anymore.. hmm.. we dont see each other anymore.. we used to see each other everyday (from st paul to la salle days). and talk over the phone when we got home.. and still we didn't ran out of stories to tell.. plus, we were still excited to see each other everyday!! but what i miss most is having the person who never judged me for whatever feelings i have for a certain person or thing, for whatever opinion i have for a certain issue.. i miss my best friend who never judged me for who i am.. never judgeS me. i soo miss my bestfriend, im gonna call her up later.. um,, maybe right now.. yeah, now! :) Bone painted the world at 11:30 PM |
Thursday, March 24, 2005
i am a catholic just because i was baptized as one months after i was born.. in other words, i really DID not have a choice. the thing is, i dont practice catholicism anymore. i dont have anything against it but theres just a lot about it that does not jive with my beliefs. i dont know much about what is written in the Bible, i dont pray your prayers.. neither do i go to churches. dont judge me for not having your-so-called religion. dont look down on me. not choosing a proper religion does NOT mean i believe in no god.. i believe in HIM.. and if we do believe in the same god, maybe you'd agree that he'd prefer hearing what is really in your heart instead of your Our Father's and Hail Mary's.. please dont get me wrong.. and yes, what's with the penitensya during the lenten season?? i think He'd prefer you to be just sorry for your sins.. repent and try your best not to do the same mistakes again.. instead of physically torturing yourself and make the same sins over and over again (there's another lenten season next year anyway...). i dont hate your religion.. hate is such a strong word.. but here's the deal, ill respect your religion if you start respecting mine.. until then, just let me be. Bone painted the world at 5:40 PM |
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
last monday i met another unfortunate event.. and it made me feel soo incompetent.. to some, what happened is nothing major and that im just making a big deal out of it.. hell, i dont care.. i still feel stupid.. and it caused me too much trauma. ![]() nope. that's not Manuel.. thank god, "he" was not damaged in any way.. or else, im dead.. i was so scared, i informed noone.. not even my dad or my closest brother.. i handled everything on my own.. even the monetary settlement. Bone painted the world at 2:17 AM |
Sunday, March 20, 2005
whoever invented summer vacation, he/she didn't invent it for me.. *sigh* responsibility... does pet-ownership come with it?? i say yes, yes,and yes! i never owned a pet whatsoever since birth.. i didnt like cats, i hated dogs, i loathed iguanas or however you spell that.. okay, so i so loved those furry rabbits but eww, i dont like the idea of having to clean their poops and all that.. imean, yikes! one day, a family friend gave us a dog.. he's not something you could sell for like 20k.. no, not evem for a 2k.. yup, askal.. that's what you call it/him. but the family welcomed him as much.. hello? our first pet ever! when he was still little, i would feed him, play with him.. everything! sure, i was still afraid of dogs.. but no, he didn't scare me at all.. but as he grew, man! he became.. umm.. horrible?? scary and tapang, as in! but to my dad and brother, the now-hideous creature still remained the sweet pup mo fo.. grr.. and if you can just see the teeth!! man,, as if he's gonna eat you alive!! h god knows how i would lock up myself inside the house instead of having to confront that dog before i could pass through our gate..urgh. i love him for guarding our home.. but i hope he could just be a little kinder and less-scary to me.. please.. on another occasion alia, a friend of mine, gave me Marshy, a terrier.. she was so tiny... ahh, exactly the epitome of cuteness.. my brother, who's also a dog lover, would always tease me, "hindi ka ba marunong tumingin ng pagkakaiba ng pusa at aso??" nevertheless, he also fell for Marshy's cuteness.. he and our dad even gave her another name, ET.. dont know why.. but just like that.. they had their own terms of endearment.. but i was still in la salle then, meaning, i was only for durgin the weekends.. so i didn't get to spend much time with my first ever pet! and then, one tiring school day.. my phone rang.. twas my mom.. saying "patay na si Marshy.. kanina.. blah blah.. [everything went blank.. i could understand anymore the other words]" oh god.. went i got home, my brother said the two dogs (the askal and Marshy) were sick.. they were puking blood.. they tried to rush them to the hospital but only the askal made it.. but still confined in the hospital.. as for Marshy, she's already buried and all.. hu hu.. my brother said that mom was partly to blame.. she knew that Marshy was sick but she still wouldn't allow the poor thing to get inside the house.. mom really isn't much of a dog-lover.. when dad got back from us/canada , he surprised me and my other bro by bringing home a Tyson, new pup.. a rottweiler that is.. ah, lovely! big bones.. shiny hair.. uber-sweet.. barely 2 months old meaning, tiny.. ahh, perfect! we all fell in love with him.. except for our 2 family members (mom and my eldest bro) who did not enjoy having Tyson around. hee hee.. too bad i dont have pictures of him when he was still little.. okay, so no words can express how much i love that creature.. i just do.. despite his gigantic features, for me, he's still a baby.. he'll always be my baby.. aww.. when i started driving, i thought id be able to spend much time at home... i asked dad if i could get a dog for my own.. he refused.. said i dont have the time and all that.. i couldn't agree then.. you can call it timing or whatever you want but there, our neighbor's labrador gave birth and the pups were just soo adorable.. they were all chubby and playful.. every time they see me, they would escape from their cages and play with me!! hooray!! the owner was selling the pups.. and yup, i so wanted to buy them.. or at least one of them.. again, i asked dad.. answer was no. i considered using my own money but my bro talked to me..said, "dapat alam mo kung sino sa mga yun yung unang lumabas kasi yung lang yung kadalasang nabubuhay.." at first, i thought that was absurd.. but one sunday, our neigbor was carrying 2 boxes.. call me usisera, i wouldnt care.. hehe.. i asked what those boxes were.. and i learned each contained a pup -- a dead pup. suddenly, fear dawned on me.. "what if my being stubborn got the better of me and bought one of those pup.. and now.. DEAD!" geez.. that would be like throwing away at least 6k! thats how i got over the i-so-want-to-have-my-own-pet phase.. and then.. one night, when arrived from i-dont-knw-where, my bro was wearing this evil grin and said, "punta ka sa terrace, may surprise ako sa yo!" a new rott!!! whoa!! this time, its a girl.. dad named her Lady Lac something.. err.. im embarassed here.. dad's not really good with giving names.. but no worry, she carries that name only for legal purposes.. her new name is Saki.. the pup's only staying with us for a while.. dad bought her for his bestfriend.. okay.. hmp. even so, i treated her like my own... she's sweet and all but there's just this one problem.. every time i touched her, Saki pees!!! no exagge ha.. as in every time!!! we managed to train her not to poop inside the house.. but not to pee whenever i touch her?? argh!! i already ran out of patience.. sometimes, i so want to play with her and everything but the thought of "she's just going to make a mess" stops me from even going close to her... i love her and all (she's leaving on tuesday!!). yesterday, i decided to play with Tyson.. god, i realized i just have to stop calling him baby coz he's so damn huge!!! bigger than me i guess.. haha.. he's still the best pet we ever had.. i love him more now.. and when im already settled and all, id bring him with me in the states.. i swear.. so where does responsibility enter the picture??? haha.. was supposed to talk about responsibility here.. but i got lost.. tee hee. :D next time na lang pala.. wait, id like to make a shoutout::: tyson, I LOVE YOU so much!! Bone painted the world at 1:39 PM |
Friday, March 18, 2005
lat monday, i reported about the mood disorders.. i always thought i have a mental disorder or something... but i just dont know what exactly.. but while i was researching about my report, wow. there were lots pf types of mood disorders pala.. i came across major depression disorder.. manic disorder.. and bipolar disorder among many others.... i thought i could be having at least one of them... and look, i took a quiz a while ago.. and guess what?!
unipolar depression.. if my memory serves me right, its another term for major depressive disorder.. whew! oh, can i just add that ive already quitted taking sleeping pills, last year pa.. plus, sobrang sandali lang kaya nun! huh!! and it wasn't bec i was depressed or something.. it was i couldnt sleep due to environmental changes.. i moved out from my condo unit and etc etc.. no, no!! im not depressed!! crazy or anything!!! i really am not...! haha.. got ya! was just fooling around.. belat! :)) dont mind me.. oh, here.. here's another quiz!! ahh, never mind.. quiz says i have a similar feature with ashlee simpson.. jsut because i dont have a freckles i couldn't be as hot as lindsay lohan anymore.. hmp.. im a quiz queen tonight.. so here's another one.. hehe..
oohh... not bad, eh?? hehe.. that's it for now.. ahh, ya i know, i know.. another senseless post. hehe. tomorrow ill do better. *wink. Bone painted the world at 9:36 PM |
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
when do you say its true love?? ive been mulling over that question for the past few days. obviously, its because ive been bothered by this affection i have for a certain person. from my friend's profile, i read that "..true love is when you can still stand being with a person despite all their faults and the headaches you've given each other." if id take that as the criteria for true love, then what i am feeling right now is not qualified as true love... mostly because the person had just given me too much headaches (not too mention heartaches ) already that i dont think i can still stand being with him. but when i start weighing my emotions, i just feel like its really true love.. hehe. *are you starting to get confused?* its just that, im so fucked up.. i thought i was already over him but i realized that i still think about him practically everyday! ugh. how pathetic. i dont remember anymore how i got over the boy i first loved. i cant recall how i moved on from my other romances either.. all i know is that i was able to let go and moved on with my life. plus, i am still friends with all the people i got romantically involved with... except for him.. sure, we can claim that were friends -as in were not enemies or whatnot. we still text each other...uhm, say twice every 2 weeks or so. but friends, as in real friends? nah.. with this particular guy.. i just cant seem to find a way to forget about him.. or at least about the feelings i have for him, which i thought was already over and done. i so hate myself for having such strong emotions. i used to restrain myself from all these falling and loving dramas.. but with him.. damn. ive changed alot. i understand that i have already learned to live without him but no, i am still not over him. when he was asking for another chance, i was initially confused. although i was quite sure he no longer deserve(d) another chance. *god knows how many chances ive already given him.* i still considered the fact that maybe he's changed... and that i deserve to be happy with the person i truly care for. but i am still haunted by all the hurt he had given me. i just cant trust him anymore. i cant expect him not to cause me pain anymore. yes, trauma might be the right term... ergo, i chose/choose not to give him another chance. we still send SMS to each other. but no longer sweet nothings.. and yes, we do have plans to hang out again some time.. do the things we love to do together, particularly pigging out!! (the thought makes me smile..) but there, theyre just plans.. its always he's busy or i am busy.. like that. we lasted only for a few months. but as pablo neruda says, "love is short. forgetting is long." i can attest to that. im not sure how long will this wallowing take.. but i really hope it ends soon.. how about tomorrow?? hahaha.. i wish! i reckon he got the impression that i already have a new flame. ive been really cold and ive let him think i am in love with someone (which is true!). what he doesnt realize is that that someone is him. of course, i dont want it to be obvious. i dont want to be caught off guard AGAIN. no, ive been hurt by the same person way too much.. i dont suppose i can handle more agony. for now, i choose to love him from afar. yes, it is as heartbreaking. but believing that the heartbreak is no longer intended by the person i love is somehow helping. i am loving from afar. how excruciating! and pathetic.. and ewww, too mushy. :p but really, i have already convinced myself that he's just a dream.. a dream i could never have.. the love i had for him, i know, is genuine.. but i have given up on that love.. id like to believe that maybe, just maybe.. someday, someone who is really deserving of the kind of love i had given to that person will come. uhuh, someone i can call my own. *bone sings, someday my prince will come..* part of me desires that that someone would be him.. but, a larger part of me wishes otherwise.. coz loving him or someone like him is not at all easy. believe me. and yes, id like to know the answer to this: why do i always fuck up???! Bone painted the world at 9:51 AM |
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
im so not in the mood to write.. so kinda bulleted format na lang without the real bullets. =p > platonic relationships are not complicated.. i concur! > so little time, too much to do.. again, so true.. > i really am starting to like mr. herrera.. i think he listens.. quasi lang ha. i mean sometimes, he's really the right person to run to.. sometimes he does what is really expected of him.. sometimes.. id rather not talk na lang pala.. can't relate? belat! hehe. =) > as much as i wanna be a risk taker, i just cant. it just doesn't seem so realistic to me.. so ideal.. (you dont have to agree with me, bleh!) ahh.. like last october.. sh*t. the best days of my life. those were the times i felt so alive.. but its so not feasible to live the way i lived my life then.. everything was for free.. no need to care about the time.. swim all you want.. travel to the max.. here and there.. eat, eat, eat.. shop.. lack of techie gadgets didn't matter.. laugh til you cry.. no limits. nothing to worry. see?? its so impossible. so paulo c., shut up! haha. just kidding.. im so in love with your books.. but at the same time, it makes me feel so nauseated.. coz as much as i wanna live my life the way you think it should be, i just cant. noone can.. coz in this life, everything is so concrete.. corporeal. and i hate it (but love it as well). > smart pseudo-24/7.. ayos na rin. although i still dont buy it. still i get to talk a lot with some people (coz theyve subscribed, tee hee). like jp!! who always confirms about the puerto-back2bakc-with-bora trip.. hehe. cant wait. jp: "e gusto ko lang makasigurado.. kasi babae ka, papalit palit ng isip. so, baka magbago isip mo." bone: "e hindi, ako pag malapit na, saka pa lang magbabago isip ko." jp: "ah ganun ba? sige, saka na lang kita tatanungin pag malapit na." *laugh* hehe. but seriously, the guy makes a lot of sense.. something i didnt expect. coz he's really uber-hilarious. wow. really na, uber pa! hehe. > here's a situation.. girl and guy had been in the relationship for 7 months (im not mentioning names this time). girl cheated on him 3times. guy usually always forgave her.. but then, time came when guy finally got sick and tired... here goes the lines: guy: "alam mo, ang empty mo... (dami pang sinabing censored)." after some time, guy got dry. he called up the girl. guy: "[girl's name], di ko pala kaya. (at madami pang kasinungalingan at pambobola)" girl: "sigurado ka? mahal na mahal kita." guy: [so wanted to laugh out loud.] guy and girl did the deed. and then.. eto na ha.. guy: "may sasabihin ako sayo.may girlfriend na ko. friends na lang talaga." girl: "t*ngin* mo! hindi mo deserving maging friend ako." guy: "sabihin na nating hindi ako deserving maging friend ka pero hindi ka rin deserving maging boyfriend ako." wow! can't comment for now. > today's mel's birthday!! happy birthday, my friend! hmm, the salad was sooOoo good. i bought the "The Purpose Driven Life Journal" as a gift.. im not sure if she liked it.. sana sana.. hehe. she let me do the first entry!! again, wow. > ahh ampooh! :p dami ko sinasabi dito.. tama na.. haha.. so non-sense.. impertinent! *bone talking to herself: i promise, my next post would me sensible.. uhmm.. compared to this ha.* Bone painted the world at 10:00 PM |
Saturday, March 12, 2005
:: the 3-letter word :: its not wrong but when you do it with someone, make sure that the person is worth it. enough said. ..... :: shopping/dinner with friends :: today's my official "last day of duty" in the hospital for this sem.. o, you have no idea how thrilled I am. That means I would have like 4 days off a week until the 18th of april. Kailangan namnamin so, after my duty, I went straight to greenhills shopping center to whatelse but shop!! Alright! But then, I wasn’t able to shop that much for myself coz my shopping buddy forgot her atm card and she didn’t have enough cash. That meant I had to lend her some of my moolahs. But that’s okay. I still had fun.. ![]() +with my latest shopping buddies+ After shopping, I picked up clarissa, one of my oldest friends, for dinner.. went to gb. But we thought it was still to early to eat so we went window shopping first. Then maimai (again, one of my oldest friends) arrived. Time to eat… Soul food. Okay, dinner is great. Just now, I realized that it weren’t the dishes that made the dinner great.. pigging out with 2 of my oldest friends…. Wow. that made it great. Here’s one of our pictures.. ![]() +and what's with the color green?? ahh. onga pala. "plant more trees" campaign. Haha.+ 5 compliments from cla: 1. "dalaga ka na talaga." 2. "pumayat ka!" 3. "galing mo mag-park." 4. "para kang fairy." 5. *hugged me and said, "ahh. security." god, i so miss my friends… sayang, I was so shy to text kokoy. we could have met up tapos e di sana, may spongebob notebook na ko sana ngayon. Tsk tsk.. Bone painted the world at 11:59 PM |
Thursday, March 10, 2005
aha. i have a lot to say that's why i couldn't even think of a title.. ...... jp confirmed (again). tuloy ang puerto! --> sobrang tagal pa nito.. BUT we might also go to Bora.. am not really sure about the itinerary but he said, "gaya pa rin ng dati." dati? like last october?? hmm.. what was the route then? oh yeah, manila - mindoro - bora - mindoro - manila.. yipee!! ive been bugging the guy to bring me to puerto this summer vac.. the holy week is a no-can-do.. coz we'll be having some major examinations week after that.. but i might still go to puerto/batangas during those days cause i promised to mai that we'll go there with the rest of our high school groupie.. corky wants to go there with me, too.. but then, i also have to go to ifugao coz dad's gonna be needing our help harvesting some mangoes (maybe) and tilapias (for sure!) so its like, panu ko hahatiin sarili ko? *priorities priorities boney* never mind.. at least i have something to be excited about -- puerto/bora back2back! haha.. but i told jp that im gonna bring Manuel, the monster truck, with me.. we'll be taking the roro (is that what they call it?) geez.. am so scared of travelling by water talaga.. i swear!!! help help help!! i really have these weird paranoias (no, not phobia. thank goodness.) and anxieties... ....... speaking of which.. aside from my travelling-by-water paranoia, i have other paranoias pa.. like when im driving on a slope whatever, i sometimes become anxious -- what if mawalan ng friction yung gulong sa lupa at bumaliktad ang sasakyan ko bigla? corky, was laughing when i told her that but said, "onga naman." for other drivers of a manual thingy, their concern during these "hanging" situations is when the traffic is heavy. they say that if you're not yet that skilled using the clutch, break, accelerator and all, aatras ang sasakyan mo sa hanging. but no, that was never my problem. my trouble is, as i have mentioned, FRICTION. FRICTION. FRICTION. i also don't like parking on slopes.. i fear that the vehicle might go down on its own.. hayy.. driving is driving me insane.. especially during heavy-traffic moments.. during which, i think of a lot of things. sometimes sensible matters. sometimes crazy stuff. good thing i have started this, my nth blog.. at least during heavy traffic, i no longer contemplate on crazy things that much. instead, i mull over what i would be blogging about when i get home. .......... i am getting so much addicted to the internet. no exagge.. sometimes i am online dawn.. and now, it is starting to cause me sleep disturbances. there are times when i so want to sleep early but can't because my body is so used to staying up late for the internet (either just for kicks or for some serious paperwork).. tonight, i wanted to doze off early. i went to bed at around 9pm, i think. and then, i woke up at 10:30. bad trip. and i could no longer go back to sleep (hence, i am typing here right now..) my body is so convinced that it's already 5 in the morning. 5 am. the time i am supposed to get up to have breakfast with my brother. ...... wow. this is uber-long!! i really had a lot to say today. haha. Bone painted the world at 1:00 AM |
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
damn. i hate backstabbers.. but who doesn't?? *this post is stamped with an invisible warning that says "this is such a lousy and so-full-of-hatred entry." i have read in a book (veronica decides to die) that we should not be worried if our presence bothers other people.. if they are bothered, then they should let you know, otherwise.. that's their problem.. i think that makes a lot of sense.. man. i am not saying i don't tell lies but when it comes to how i really feel, thats a different story.. god knows how honest i am when it comes to showing emotions and all.. as what they say, what you see is what you get.. although most of the time, people misjudge me.. if something bothers me, whatever it is, i let it out.. be it big or small. i remember when i just finished reading jostein gaarder's great novel, the solitaire mystery, a lot of things (about the novel) started to trouble me. of course, i couldn't confront the book -- i am not that psychotic yet. i also tried getting the author's contact number whatsoever (ahh. talk about desperate measures!) but ended up complaining to my bestfriend instead. she must have gotten nauseated with all my whinings that she decided to might as well read the book. you see, even if its really babaw, id show how i feel. i wouldn't care what or how other people would react. like one time, i thought i lost my Diagnosis Handbook, i cried. some thought it was really stupid to cry over a handbook. still i continued to wept. i explained, "kung sa ibang araw lang talaga nangyari to, okay lang. kaso pagod ako ngayon eh. sobrang stressed, tos madadagdagan pa." later, i realized that i didn't owe them an explanation. di ba? and then much much later on, someone returned my handbook to me. -- okay, that was really dumb of me. hehe. anyways... i am frank. my truest friends could attest to that. even if you're my friend, id tell in your face what it is that i like about you.. or what it is you've done that i think might be wrong or something.. or if you've hurt me or whatever.. really, i am honest when it comes to these things.. even to my boyfriend (whenever i have one). and if you're just an acquaintance or whatever, my actions would speak whether or not you should start backing off me. know what i mean? even to my dad and brothers.. i am like that. i tell them what hurts or annoys me. everything! as in.. i have always been like that.. i wouldn't give a sh*t if you'd want to kill me afterwards or something for as long as i am able to say how or what i really feel. if i will not be able to say or show it, i'll just keep everything to myself.. it disappoints me how some people are not like that. some cannot even tell how they really feel. but what really sucks is when people are able to let it out but not to those people concerned. instead, they hit other people behind their backs. geez.. whats wrong with them?? i hate it most when i am the one being backstabbed.. buti if everything they're saying is true.. panu kung mga lies pa, di ba? and it hurts even more if the backstabber is someone you thought na friend mo pa. and first class liars?? oh man! i so want to kill them all. grr. ahh.. i suddenly remembered one of my ex's.. damn. he's a BIG TIME liar.. haha.. [we're friends..okay? so don't get me wrong.] its just that i never thought there are people who could really LIE that much.. gets? and of all people.. i trusted him so much i didn't expect he'd be capable of being such a liar to me.. *okay, bone, that is so long time ago..* point is, backstabbers, liars and all those sorts.. they're really some of my frustrations.. they never cease to hurt me.. to make me feel betrayed. hayy.. some people nga naman. if you've reached this point, thanks so much for the time. Bone painted the world at 12:20 AM |
Sunday, March 06, 2005
yellow submarine - in the town where i was born lived a man who sailed the sea and he told us of his life in the land of submarines so we sailed up to the sun till we found the sea of green and we lived beneath the waves in our yellow submarine we all live in a yellow submarine yellow submarine, yellow submarine we all live in a yellow submarine yellow submarine, yellow submarine and our friends are all aboard many more of them live next door and the band begins to play we all live in a yellow submarine yellow submarine, yellow submarine we all live in a yellow submarine yellow submarine, yellow submarine as we live a life of ease everyone of us has all we need sky of blue and sea of green in our yellow submarine we all live in a yellow submarine yellow submarine, yellow submarine we all live in a yellow submarine yellow submarine, yellow submarine we all live in a yellow submarine yellow submarine, yellow submarine we all live in a yellow submarine yellow submarine, yellow submarine Bone painted the world at 7:56 PM |
Saturday, March 05, 2005
for those who wished me a happy weekend, thank you. its not every week that i am able to get a saturday for myself.. get what i mean? and so, i took this day as an opportunity to relax.. relax.. what a lovely word. the word's almost alien to me though. =) i went to a spa for a good massage.. here's one of my bloopers... therapist: ma'am, tihaya na po kayo. me: huh? tihaya? anu un? haha.. and that was not the only blooper ive made.. but i dont mind. coz finally, i was able to get that massage ive been longing for since last millenium.. man. i wish i had more day off's. Bone painted the world at 10:38 PM |
my answer would be- a friend of mine was recounting the question-and-answer portion of a pageant. the question was something like this: do you agree to the proposal that nursing graduates should be required to serve for at least 2 years first before they will be allowed to leave the country and work abroad? my friend found it really absurd when the contestants had a hard time answering and commented: dyos ko po, yun na nga lang yun tanong eh. ang dali dali lang sagutin. sure. for a pageant like that, the answer would be easy. just go for what is ideal, never for what is practical... rarely for what is sincere.. but in real life? i don't know. up to this very moment, i have been discussing with myself as to how i will answer the question.. in actual situation. whatever reflections i have arrived at, it wasn't easy. too many squabbles between my cerebrum and heart transpired. nursing grads to be required to serve the country for 2 years before leaving our land.. i believe that it should be upon the discretion of the graduate. first of all, service is not something you should require. service comes from the heart. sure. service for your countrymen. still, service is something you cannot force. otherwise, it is no longer genuine. second, if the government cannot provide the compensation that the nurses truly deserve, it should not hinder the nurse for aspiring to get hold of what they ought to have.. of what they are worthy of. thirdly, i have met more than a dozen of nursing students.. each having different motives for taking up such course. let us allow them to fulfill their purposes. believe me, it's not always about the monetary value. if only the government could learn to set its priorities, then maybe.. just MAYBE.. we will not ran out nurses in our country... Bone painted the world at 4:46 AM |
the month of march- tis the women's month.. hooray!!(?) this month always reminds me of a poem.. however, i don't remember the title anymore.. i learned it from a friend, who also taught me to read poems correctly. (thanks, gc!) here's an excerpt-- "spare me with the good morning and the how are you feeling today... for tomorrow, i shall be the pincushion that bleeds." huh. that's exactly how i feel today. something tickles my mind though.. hmm.. what makes woman a woman?? Bone painted the world at 4:00 AM |
Friday, March 04, 2005
the life of a nurse - ugh. time to wake up again.. get up. get up. wash. check mail.. eat breakfast.. take a bath. dress up.. *maybe sick of the hospital's uniform* drive to the hospital.. receive endorsements. check the patients.. interact. check IV fluids.. check for the site.. regulate. get vital signs. observe symptoms.. physical assessment.. review lab results. report deviations.. MD/patient/client's significant other badmouths. *still, nurse smiles* patient needs cleaning up.. bed bath. patient has temperature alterations. tepid sponge bath. patient cannot poo. administer enema. patient poo-ed. ugh. clean the mess.. patient cannot urinate. catheter. patient micturated. clean up. lunch time.. oops! nurse shortage.. cannot go to break and get a proper meal. vital signs again. check new orders. carry out orders. oh no, government hospital ran out of stock.. nurse shells out money. etc. etc. etc. charting.. endorsement. shift ends.. but cannot go home, nurse shortage.. gets monthly salary: Php4,000 (gross). Bone painted the world at 11:33 PM |
Thursday, March 03, 2005
procrastinate that is what i do best. and its not good. it does not make me feel good about myself. i have never been this unproductive. i need to set my priorities. Bone painted the world at 5:14 AM |
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
twas around 730 pm and traffic was really terrible and so, tears started to fall. at first, i thought it was absurd to cry. but i realized i don't care anymore. i have to express how i was feeling that time. its really friggin annoying how roads become congested every time. ok, so this is metro manila.. but come on.. can't we really do anything about this?? i've tried taking the train, but i would still need AT LEAST 2 rides from the last station to our house. and taking the train is only 20 min less than my travel time when i am pushing my own wheels.. i don't think commuting is really that practical for my case... so why did i cry?? because traffic jam happens everyday. and the thought that we really cannot do anything about it is depressing. and why only tonight? because it was 730pm (store usually closes at 8 pm or 9pm) and i had to buy milk for Saki, the little rottweiler. we did not run out of stock.. she just needed this particular milk..also, i had to buy her a belt/strap. she needs it for training. i also had my haircut. i did not take any pictures though. i don't like it. you know, because of my hectic schedule (which is aggravated by every day traffic jam), my sleeping pattern is terribly impaired. Bone painted the world at 12:34 AM |
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
hmm.. notice that there have been some changes here.. its really not spectacular whatsoever.. have you seen my myspace? (ugh! reduntant.. lets do that again..) have you seen my space? (but then, what space?! haha) anyways.. whatever i have done with my space, im planning to do it again here.. im just so in love with spongebob and bikini bottom.. thats why.. for now, ill just settle for blue (coz im blue!).. just wanted to get rid of the old template.. oh, today's carlo's birthday..err.. i thin.. happy bday then! Bone painted the world at 2:05 AM | |
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